Swirled Pumpkin Cheesecake

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Swirled Pumpkin Cheesecake

Recipe by morcayne


Prep time


Cooking time




Total time






  • 8 Oz Gingersnap Cookies

  • ½ Tsp Salt (divided)

  • 3 Tbsp Unsalted Butter (melted)

  • 3 8 Oz Cream Cheese Blocks (softened)

  • 1 ½ Cups Sugar

  • 4 Large Eggs (room temperature)

  • 1 15 Oz Can Pumpkin Puree

  • 1 Tbsp Vanilla Extract

  • 1 Tbsp Pumpkin Pie Spice


  • Preparing your Spring-Form Pan
  • Assemble your pan and make sure that the bottom and side are thoroughly wrapped with aluminum foil to prevent any leaking.
  • Making The Crust
  • Preheat oven to 325 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Place cookies and 1/8 tsp salt in a food processor and pulse till a fine powder has formed.
  • Slowly add butter till well blended.
  • Butter the bottom of your spring-form pan then pat your cookie crust into a nice even layer.
  • Bake the crust for about ten minutes, then let cool.
  • When cooled carefully butter the sides of the pan.
  • Making the Filling
  • In a large pan start boiling a lot of water, depending on the size of the baking pan you will be using.
  • In the food processor add your cream cheese, sugar, eggs, and remaining salt. Blend until nice and smooth. You might have to scrap down the sides while doing this to make sure that there are no lumps.
  • Remove about ½ cup of batter and place it into a small Ziplock bag.
  • In the food processor add the pumpkin puree and pumpkin pie spice and blend until well combined.
  • Pour your pumpkin batter into the spring-form pan and jiggle it slightly to level out the batter
  • When the batter is settled, take your Ziplock bag and cut a small hole in one of the bottom corners. Drizzle this over the top of cheesecake batter (do not worry if you do not use all of it), then swirl it thru the cake with a knife or skewer.
  • Place your pan inside a large baking pan and carefully pour in your boiling water until it come roughly halfway up your spring-form pan.
  • Bake for about an hour and fifteen minutes to an hour and a half. You are looking for the cake to be set around the edges but still has a little jiggle in the middle.
  • When done transfer the baking pan onto a wire cooling rack and let it cool for one hour or the water is room temperature.
  • Remove the cheesecake from the water and take off the foil. Refrigerate for at least three hours.

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